Louie the Cab Driver

Monday, August 28, 2006


As I have never revealed my name in this blog, readers may wonder if I am a fugitive from Justice. Until 3:30 today I had a warrant out for my arrest. Last night I decided to be a man, and make an attempt to make good on it. I did not confess. I did not alert the media. I just skulked into the district court building. I bypassed the metal detector and went to the all night court counter. But I was informed I could not take care of it at 4am, but had to return between the hours of 8 and 4 and go to court services first.

Now a little on what brought me to this point. I was charged with multiple crimes, and pursuant to our US Constitution, I was, of course, innocent until proven guilty. I got my attorney on it, and he struck a plea deal for the least of the charges. He got the court date extended a very large time away. It was for August 2nd. I had many other traffic fines to pay, and breathed a sigh of relief on the extended deadline. But I forgot when it was. As August was drawing to a close, I realized I had most likely missed it, and knew I had a bench warrant out for my head on a stick.

But no more. I walked in again today, bypassed the metal detector, and went to court services. She took my ID and left to talk with some officers. I tensed up a bit, and told myself, it is always better to take your punches than to live always looking over your shoulder. She came back and said to me. "Failure to wear seat-belt"

I agreed and for an instant understood how Arlo Guthrie felt. She told me to go tot he payment window and pay my $163.50. I did, and was finally a free man! Originally I was cited for going 89 in a 55 mile an hour zone AND no seat belt. The former would have put my hack license in jeopardy, the latter does not. It was my happiest fine ever paid.

Oh and the reason I always bypass metal detectors is my pace maker. I include it for dramatic effect.

1 comment:

SkippyMom said...

You forgot your court date? Who forgets THAT court date. This isn't when your dry cleaning is due or your pet's next rabies shot...it is a serious court date - 89 in a 55 that is [felony] reckless. I don't get it - where do you live that a cop let you go with a ticket - here you are arrested for that kind of reckless...[hate VA]

Glad you skated with a small fine and your job. The courts obviously screwed up somewhere. Congrats!