Louie the Cab Driver

Saturday, June 04, 2005


I had my first accident today. It was, thankfully a non-injury accident. I expect the insurance cos. will find us equally at fault, despite my having the right of way. He was turning left from the oncoming lane. I was passing on the right, another car also turning left. Newither of us saw the other until it was too late. Because I was continuing through the intersection straight away, I had the right of way, it is legal to pass on the right to go around a car turning left. The other driver assumed the lane to the right of the car he was facing would only be making right turns. The driving behavior I exhibited was very common at that intersection. All the witnesses scattered. Especially the person in front of me making the left turn. The police/tow insurance process took about an hour, but I must say the cab company had a replacement vehicle for me by the time my car was towed to the yard.

It is, however chitty chitty bang bang. The horn goes off when you start it, that is, unless you have the headlights on. The gear arrows do not correspond with the lables. But at least they are in the same order. The crank monitor needs replacement, and they'll get that on monday.

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